Aside from the content of comments and reviews, you should consider your best arenas online. This means the websites or platforms where people are talking about your brand. You might find that people are discussing you most on Facebook or Twitter, or that your own blog’s comment threads have become a hot discussion spot. Customers may be talking about you on a forum or some other social media site you haven’t started using yet.

Identifying your best arenas is important for your reputation management strategy because this is where you’re going to focus your content and communication efforts. You’ll also discover where your target market spends its time online, which is beneficial to all your marketing efforts as well.


Now that you have a “big picture” idea of what people are saying about you and where you can create your reputation management strategy. This includes what type of content will work best, where to publish it, and how to respond to both positive and negative comments.

Since content creation is a central part of online reputation management, you’ll make decisions such as how long content should be, what it should be about, how often you’ll publish it, and where you’ll publish it. These are decisions you should make at first but refine over time by monitoring your efforts. We’ll get into this in more detail in the next few modules.