When it comes to social media platforms, LinkedIn can stand out as being a little different from the others. You don’t normally see funny memes or pictures of people’s pets on LinkedIn (but that’s not to say they aren’t there!). LinkedIn is more for professional use, whether that means looking for staff to join your team or selling business to business. 

As a small business owner, it can sometimes be difficult to come up with post ideas for such a unique social media platform. While it’s important to be visible on LinkedIn as a small business owner, what you post on this platform is much more important. Here are 10 ideas that you can use the next time you post on LinkedIn for your small business.

Inspiring content

As a small business owner, you are familiar with and experience the hardships that come with owning a small business. You probably have never worked as hard before in your life. What keeps you inspired to keep going? Share that with your followers to help keep them inspired!

Behind the scenes content

Let your followers get to know who you are in your work environment. Show them what you are all about and how you work. Give them a sneak peek of your office. This can help establish trust with your followers and future buyers.

Freebie information

If you are trying to sell a service, show your followers a little piece of how that service can improve their life by providing them with some sort of freebie. Show them what you have to offer can help them.  


Do you have a happy customer you want to showcase? Create a post that shows them using your product and service and then thank them for their business. 


Social media platforms, including LinkedIn, favor video in their algorithms. You can use video to help get more views. Also, don’t be afraid to get in front of the camera to show your customers who you are!


Have a previous post that did well? Repost it again if it is been a while. If it has performed well in the past, chances are it will do well again!

Industry news

Show your audience that you are in tune with what is happening in your industry by posting the latest news. 

A common question

Are there questions that your customers or potential clients always ask you? Put the answer out in the public for everyone to see. This will also show your followers how knowledgeable you are about that subject. 

Upcoming Events

Have a virtual or in-person industry-related event coming up? There’s no better place to post information about that event than on LinkedIn! Professionals are always looking for networking opportunities and LinkedIn is the perfect place to promote yours.

Blog Posts

If you are looking to get more eyes on your recent blog post, promote it on your LinkedIn page. This will also drive more hits to your website as a bonus!

No matter what you decide to post on your LinkedIn profile or Business Page, it’s important that you are providing value to your followers. By providing value you are building a stronger relationship with your followers and they will be more motivated to visit your LinkedIn page more often.

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What should your business post on LinkedIn_