Local private chef and caterer, Chef Sarah McDonnell, came to KRS with plans to expand her business. Her business was growing rapidly, and she would soon expand, offering more services and hiring on more staff. She had simply outgrown her former brand, Chef Sarah, and needed help with a fresh rebrand that would set her up for future success. Starting with a comprehensive brand strategy, our team took a close look at Sarah’s goals, values and her beliefs and transformed them into a unified plan for the future.
Sarah’s business plan and goals have expanded and shifted since she opened her business. Previously known as Chef Sarah, she planned to hire more chefs and expand the services she offered. She would need to restructure her brand to better fit these objectives, and have a unified, cohesive strategy and identity that fit and supported her plans moving forward.
Starting with Brand Strategy, the team at KRS took a close look at Sarah’s plans, beliefs and values as a company, and crafted these into a solid brand identity. Through naming, visual identity development, fresh marketing collateral and a new website, we were able to bring Sarah’s core beliefs and vision to life and set her up with a roadmap for success.
Little Bay Gourmet officially launched its rebrand in October, and is prepared for the exciting things they have on their plate in the coming months. They are excited to announce new services, bring on new staff, and grow the businesss with confidence.

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