One of the biggest factors in building relationships and increasing sales is trust. When your customers or readers trust you, they will want to invest in your brand. It’s that simple. In order to grow trust, you first need to build relationships. This is an essential rule of all social media marketing. Let’s take a look at ways to build relationships and trust on Pinterest in order to make the most of your efforts.

Provide Accurate Descriptions

When adding descriptions to your pins, be sure to make them accurate. Use simple and relevant titles, with phrasing that tells the reader exactly what they will find when they click through to your content. This may seem obvious. Unfortunately, some marketers still feel that hype sells. In reality, exaggeration does nothing more than to destroy trust. This same principle applies when choosing titles for your titles. By using straight-forward, relevant words, you’ll be providing accurate information to your users while increasing your brand’s SEO.

Always Be Giving

As with other social media platforms, it’s essential that you give more than you get. On Pinterest, this translates to pinning the quality information of others, commenting on their pins, and answering questions in a timely manner. Pinterest is essentially a community in and of itself because it’s made up of users who all enjoy visually appealing content. You can also capitalize on the concept of community through group boards. Find boards related to your brand and request to join. These outlets offer a powerful way to connect with individuals who are passionate about your subject matter, as well as to be seen by more users than you would otherwise.

Pin With Regularity

While Pinterest doesn’t require as much tending as other social media platforms in order to gain benefits from its use, it is important to maintain a somewhat regular appearance if you hope to nurture relationships with users. No one wants to invest money or energy into a brand that just shows up to drop a self-serving product pin or blog post on occasion or bombards their feed with a ton of pins all at once. Instead, pin on a regular, more consistent schedule. This process can be automated through a Pinterest scheduler for even more ease of use if you like.

Confirm Your Profile

Be sure you’re using a business account, rather than a personal one. If you run a small company, you may even wish to convert your current personal account to a business one. Then confirm your account in order to gain more trust from users. You’ll also gain access to Pinterest analytics and have your logo added to all your pins for brand recognition purposes. These small tweaks go a long way toward instilling trust and legitimizing your business in the eyes of consumers.

Start with these tips in order to build relationships on Pinterest. You’ll find that your reach and your sales will start to increase as your authentic interaction and engagement does, as well.