Hopefully, after reading my latest blogs and doing some of your own research, you can agree with me that Facebook ads work. It’s a great form of marketing that offers fantastic options for increasing brand awareness, generating leads, boosting audience engagements, and converting interest to sales. It can be overwhelming and a learning curve when you are first getting started, but it works. Need some more proof? Let’s get inspired and look at some examples of Facebook ads and doing it right.
Dollar Shave Club:
This company has made a name for itself, who hasn’t heard of the Dollar Shave Club!? With convenient delivery, affordable disposable razors, and shaving products, they are a popular household name. While their product is fairly simple and seemed to be geared towards men, they cleverly widened their consumer base with their His and Hers Facebook ad campaign.
You may recall this ad’s copy, “Who says a lady’s razor has to be pink?” With just a few words, Dollar Shave Club set themselves apart as a brand that understands modern views on the sexes. They also inject humor, which is always a win. The genius behind this campaign is that they were able to market to an additional segment of users without developing a new product. Genius!
This is an excellent example of using what you have, remarketing it, keeping your cost down, and leveraging your company’s value. Hopefully, this got your creative juices flowing. Can you think of ways to market an existing product you have to a new customer base or leverage your company’s values as a selling point?
You probably aren’t surprised to see Google’s name pop up on this list. Google can deliver a great ad campaign, remember the “Build What’s Next” Facebook ad? The consistent visual imagery of their signature Google brand, which is familiar to everyone, along with their ability to play off your aspirations and inviting you to “build what’s next,” using their cloud platform, made it effective.
They were so confident it would work, they took it one step farther and offered a $300 incentive to try their product. Google is a great example of tying in cohesive brand recognition while inspiring customer imagination. If you have a product that lends it’s self to inspiring your customer’s imagination, try and tie it into your branding and incorporate this concept in your campaign.
TOMS is knowns for its footwear but also its advocacy. Promoting your brand while tying in something you are passionate about pulls on the emotional heartstrings of others and expresses who you are and what you believe in as a company. TOMS ran an outstanding ad campaign in 2015, known as #withoutshoes.
The campaign began on Facebook but eventually took off and spread to Instagram. TOMS asked users to attempt to go without wearing shoes for a day, and post their photos with the hashtag. For every user post, TOMS would donate a pair of shoes to children in need, globally. This is a great way to build user awareness of an issue, by getting them involved, spreading the word, and getting creative. You may not have the budget or following, like TOMS, at least not yet, but you can still similarly connect with your audience
Dove is known for its ads that support the self-esteem of women. A memorable ad of theirs that comes to mind is their “Real Beauty Sketches campaign”. Facebook users were moved in this video revolving around what happens when women are asked to describe themselves to an FBI sketch artist, and then their loved ones are given the opportunity to provide their own descriptions of the woman.
We’re able to connect with these women on a deeper level and see the visually striking difference in the way that people perceive themselves. The ad capitalizes on the “show, don’t tell” concept to drive home an important and emotional message. This is a way to show the value of your product or service. Everyone likes visuals, making an impact through visuals is a winning strategy.
Taking time to know your target market is a must in business; without it, you are taking a shot in the dark and just hoping that you’ll find your audience or people who will buy. Well, Shopify does a great job of understanding their demographic, and the desire of their audience.
Shopify centered their “Share Your Crafts”, campaign around the unknown desire of it’s audience and posed an idea that they may not have considered before. The ad copy states, “No one should craft for nothing,” and shows a close-up of a woman knitting. Like many ads, the words play on the audience’s emotions. Shopify knows there are many people out there who haven’t ever considered selling their “hobby” products.
By planting a seed, the company is betting that crafters will realize that setting up an online shop is a possibility for them. You can employ a similar technique to gain a whole new segment of customers or fans. Taking time to know your audience is essential.
These are just a few examples of how others have used clever, emotional, and smart methods in their Facebook ads. They are doing it right, and so can you!
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