I hear all too often from businesses and individuals that they want to grow quickly on Instagram. Everyone wants the numbers. Except it’s quality over quantity. There’s no grow quick magic I can offer you. What I can share are some easy and AUTHENTIC tips on how to grow your Instagram account.
How to Grow Instagram
1. Be YOU. Be authentic. People follow and buy from real people with real stories. If you are having a hard day or need help making a decision, talk to your followers about it. Social media is a great place to reach other people with similar struggles. And people on social media LOVE giving their opinion.
2. Choose a niche and appeal to a select group of people. This is what we call your “target market”. It is so easy to get caught up in social media and want to attract EVERYONE to be your friend. But the truth is – people buy from people they trust. That happens when you target a group and focus your energy on solving their problem – not the whole internet’s problems. You may want to read How to Create a Target Market Profile.
3. Post daily and engage with your audience. Instagram is not about being a megaphone. This comes back to being authentic and non-salesy. People want to buy from businesses they trust and connect with personally. Don’t just through out your latest promotions on Instagram. Take the time to find solutions to your audience’s problems and engage with them to show you care. Check out How to find Content for your Audience.
4. Add VALUE. Provide tips, quotes, stories people can relate to and learn from. If you know your target market, then you also know their wants, needs, and pain points. Make sure your posts provide some sort of value related to what your audience is looking for in the first place.
5. Relevant Content. Don’t post about #pumpkinspice in May…unless you really, really love pumpkin spice everything! The love of all things pumpkin spice is real, but your audience might be confused if you post about it in the middle of summer. Here are some great tips on Curating your Content Calendar. ⠀
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