If you are looking to start a blog, or if your current blog isn’t getting you the results you want, you may be leaving out some essential steps. Believe it or not, there is a science to creating and getting more eyes on your content.

Here are six things you should always include in every blog post you write:

A captivating title
The title of your blog post is the first thing people will see. Make your readers want to click on your blog post in a search by having an exciting title. Some of the most successful posts include words like “How to…,” or they include a number such as “5 ways to…” These posts seem to be successful because you tell the reader exactly what they will get when they click on the post.

A call to action
You most likely have a reason for writing your post. You want your readers to do something after they read it. Whether it is visiting a website or signing up for a course, you need to spell it out for them and let them know what you want them to do.

An opt-in form
Blogs are a great way to grow your email lists or to have a reader purchase something you are selling. Include an opt-in form that makes it easy for the readers to sign up for your email list or purchase what you want them to buy. This is a great way to stay connected with your readers after they leave your blog.

Include links or buttons to your social media platforms
If you are looking to grow your social media platform followers, it’s important to list them in multiple places, one of them being your blog. Include buttons for your readers to click on if they are interested in following you.

You can also include social media sharing buttons, allowing readers to share your content on their social media platforms – another great way to get your content out to more people!

Images will make your blog post look more appealing and help with your SEO if you add the correct tags and keywords in the photos’ description and caption.

Speaking of SEO, search engine optimization is one of the most critical parts of your blog if you want to show up in searches. Make sure you research and use the most common keywords when you are writing your blog post. If you are looking for help with what keywords you should use, you can add the Yoast plug-in to your blog, and it will help you with keywords.

You can use many other tools and tricks to help get more eyes on your blog posts, but these six items are essential. If you are looking for help with your blog posts, Keep It Real Social can help! We have experienced copywriters on staff to help you.