5 Ways to Generate Leads on LinkedIn

5 Ways to Generate Leads on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can sometimes be overlooked as a lead-generating platform. Most of us think of LinkedIn as the social media platform where you can showcase your professional life. However, as a small business owner, it can be an excellent tool to attract new leads. Here are...
My 5-Step Formula for Writing a Blog

My 5-Step Formula for Writing a Blog

Do you ever get stumped when you are trying to write a blog post? I know I sometimes do! After writing a couple of hundred posts, I have developed a formula that helps me write posts and get them completed faster. Step 1: Write out the main idea. The main idea is what...
How to Create a Brand For Your Small Business

How to Create a Brand For Your Small Business

If you plan to open a small business in the coming months, it can be overwhelming thinking about the number of things you need to do before you launch. One of the most important things you will want to establish is a brand for your company. What is a brand? Many...