There is so much to learn when it comes to digital marketing methods. Each platform has its own tools with their own purpose and rules. It can be mind-boggling. You likely already know that Facebook ads can be an incredibly successful route to take when it comes to online promotion. Maybe you’ve even started learning the ins and outs of its Ad Management system; what you could be lacking is an understanding of just what makes a campaign successful, and how to measure your Facebook ads success. There are several Facebook Ad campaigns to pick from; after you have decided which one fits best for your campaign, you will want to measure the performance. Metrics will be broken down by type of ad to give you even greater insight into the information you need to know. Below are a few examples.

Sales Conversion Campaigns

Every business wants to make sales. Purchases are the lifeblood of your company. To know whether your ads are leading to increased sales, there are a handful of metrics you should observe. Impressions matter, so you want to be aware of the Impressions (total times your ad was shown) and the Cost Per 1000 Impressions (CPM), and the Frequency (average number of times each user has seen your ad.) It’s also good to know the amount spent, which tracks what you’ve spent so far. Knowing how many people click through to your website sales page (Link Clicks), the percentage of your ad reach who then clicked through to the sales page (CTR or Click-Through Rate) and the average cost per click to your website (CPC Link) are all factors in determining if your ads are converting to actions on your website and how much it is costing you to get them there. Finally, you want to pay attention to the Checkouts to learn how many of those who landed on your site actually made purchases and to the Cost Per Checkout (CPC) to discover how much each sale has cost in advertising.

Lead Generation Campaigns

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When you want to send traffic to your site to capture leads for such purposes as adding to your mailing list or other type of sign-up page, you will use the same criteria you do with sales conversion. Only the last two will differ. Rather than Checkouts and Cost Per Checkout, you’ll need to examine Leads and Cost Per Lead. This makes sense, as you’re measuring concepts that go through the same steps but end in different results. Leads refer to the actual number of users who signed up on your landing page from your ad. The Cost Per Lead refers to the amount of money spent so far and can be calculated by dividing the number of leads by the amount spent.

Content Awareness

When you want to send your users to a particular blog post or informational page on your site, Content Awareness is the type of campaign you use. The criteria for this ad type is actually the exact same as the Lead Generation campaign. Here, however, you are determining if people are taking the time to view your content, rather than to sign up for your offer or list.

These are the primary types of ads you will likely use. You now know what metric data is important to understand for each, which will save you time and confusion by not having to bother with sorting through other criteria. While it can take some time to grasp, you’ll soon be sorting through the numbers and making necessary adjustments to your campaigns like a pro.


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