by Sommer Poquette | Aug 16, 2021 | Branding
If you plan to open a small business in the coming months, it can be overwhelming thinking about the number of things you need to do before you launch. One of the most important things you will want to establish is a brand for your company. What is a brand? Many...
by Sommer Poquette | Aug 13, 2021 | Case Studies
A marketing case study is one of the best ways for an agency to show off its results. It allows for an agency to demonstrate quantifiable results as a result of their work for a client. Keep it Real Social has been busy writing case studies for our current and past...
by Sommer Poquette | Aug 11, 2021 | Instagram Marketing, Social Media Tips
If you use Instagram, chances are you include hashtags in your captions. However, are you using them to your benefit or throwing in hashtags just to have them there? Using relevant hashtags in your posts and stories is one of the best ways to get discovered if you...
by Sommer Poquette | Aug 4, 2021 | Content Marketing
Did you know that showing up online in searches not only means using the correct keywords in your text, but also using appropriate keywords in your image descriptions? Research has shown that 38% of Google’s Search Engine Results Page shows images, and this statistic...
by Sommer Poquette | Jul 28, 2021 | Email Marketing
Are you trying to grow your email or subscriber list for your small business, but having a hard time getting people to give you their contact information? Think about how many marketing-related emails you get as a consumer. If your email box is anything like mine, you...